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Dean of the School

Professor Dionysia Kolokotsa  is the Dean of the School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering. Professor  Ioannis Yentekakis serves as Deputy Dean.

Deanery of the School

Members of the Deanery are:

Secretary of the School

Ms. Georgia Poniridou is Administrative Secretary, tenured employee, (B.A. in Management/Economics) graduate of Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences.

Former Deans of the School

Academic Years Dean
2014-2017 G. Karatzas
2018-2021 M. Lazaridis

Former Heads of the Department

Academic YearsHead
2002-2004V. Gekas
2004-2006N. Kalogerakis
2006-2008N. Kalogerakis
2008-2010G. Karatzas
2010-2011G. Karatzas
2011-2012M. Lazaridis
2012-2013G. Karatzas

School Committees and representation in TUC Committees

List of Committees and members [pdf]