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School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering

Now offering two distinct diplomas: Chemical Engineering and Environmental Engineering

Physics I

Course Information:

Course ID: PHYS 101
Type of course: Required course
Semester: Fall
Credits: 3
Teaching Hours: Th=2, E=1, L=2

Instructors:  Professor M. Lazaridis (Faculty Member -EnvEng), Dr. Th. Glytsos (LTS Member - EnvEng)

Laboratory exercises: Th. Glytsos, A. Spyridaki, I. Kanakis

Textbooks (Eudoxus):

  • Book [33074351]: Φυσική, Halliday David, Resnick Robert, Walker Jearl, Παπανικόλας Κώστας (γενική επιμέλεια), Καραμπαρμπούνης Α., Κοέν Σ., Σπυράκης Π., Τζανετάκης Π., Στυλιάρης Ε. (επιστημονική επιμέλεια), Τζαμτζής Γ. (συντονισμός)
  • Book [68387875]: Πανεπιστημιακή φυσική, Young H.

Revommended reading:

  • R.A. Serway, Physics, Volumes II and III


  •  Registration required

Course contents:

  • Rectilinear motion, Velocity, Acceleration, Lateral movement, Vectors. Newton’s laws of motion, Gravitational forces, Conveyor balance, Friction - Momentum, Conservation of momentum, Center of mass - Kinetic energy, Energy conservation law, work, power, potential energy, conservative forces, Relationship between force and potential energy. Smooth (or not) particle circular motion, rotational motion of a body, moment of inertia, torque, torque and rotation, General condition engineering balance. Spin point and rigid body, torque and angular momentum, angular momentum conservation law, precession. Plain harmonic oscillator (AAT), simple, complex and torsional pendulum, AAT and damping. Restrictions on the movement system, generalized coordinates, equations of motion of Lagrange, equations of motion of Hamilton - Law Coulomb, Electric field, Movement load electric field, Gauss Law and Applications to Electrostatic - Point loads and electrical potential difference, absolute potential, electric dipole, electric fields of dynamic electric potential energy. Ideal gas law, specific heat, thermal expansion, heat diffusion methods. Work produced by the change in volume, first thermodynamic law. Reversible changes - Cycle Carnot, second thermodynamic postulate, entropy.

Laboratory exercises:

  • Ten lab exercises - team reports: 50% of the Lab grade
  • Final written lab exam: 50% of the Lab grade

Assessment and grading method:

  • Lab work, 30% of the grade
  • Final closed-book written exam, 70% of the grade


Last modification: 29-08-2018