"Studying the nexus between wildfires, the environment and humans", Thursday 11/3, 18:00 @ Ζοom

1st Open Research Lecture by Assoc. Prof. A. Voulgarakis, Thursady 11/3, 18:00 @ Ζοom

The first Open Research Lecture will be delivered on Thursday, 11th of March, 2021 at 18:00.

Link to Zoom: https://tuc-gr.zoom.us/j/82372239714?pwd=bEd4aUMzZ1hlRmZsNjNPcC9WclNoUT09 to attend the lecture “Studying the nexus between wildfires, the environment and humans” by  Assoc. Prof. A. Voulgarakis


Wildfires are a central component of the Earth system. They both influence and are influenced by the ongoing global climate change, but despite their potentially crucial role, the understanding of their potential impacts is still poor. In this talk, the mechanisms through which wildfires can influence the global environment will be discussed, focusing particularly on our studies of fire-pollution-climate interactions. Additionally, a broader perspective will be presented on how wildfires can be approached and understood as a phenomenon that is in a constant (arguably violent) “dialogue” with the environment and with humans, and how this can lead to better wildfire predictions in the future.