“Multiservices of Nature Based Solutions: the contribution of green roofs in cities” Thursday 27/5, 18:00 @ Ζοom

10th Open Research Lecture by Dr Cristina Calheiros , Thursday 27/5, 18:00 @ Ζοom

The 10th Open Research Lecture will be delivered  on Thursday, 27th of May 2021 at 18:00.

Link to Zoom: https://tuc-gr.zoom.us/j/82372239714?pwd=bEd4aUMzZ1hlRmZsNjNPcC9WclNoUT09 (passcode 466740) to attend the lecture “Multiservices of Nature Based Solutions: the contribution of green roofs in cities” by  Dr Cristina Calheiros,   CIIMAR - Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research of the University of Porto, Portugal 


Nature is being called back to the city. Bringing Nature-Based Solutions to the city promotes urban regeneration and resilience, being the green roofs a good example that provides several environmental, social and economic benefits. This lecture will highlight how green roofs can be integrated towards resourceful and circular cities delivering multiservices at different scales.