"History of extreme European fires 2017-2020: climate change, convective boundary layer dynamics and long-term droughts”, Thursday 18/3, 18:00 (UTC+2) @ Ζοom

3rd Open Research Lecture by Marc Castellnou, Thursday 15/3, 18:00 @ Ζοom

The third Open Research Lecture will be delivered on Thursday, 25th of March, 2021 at 18:00.

Link to Zoom: https://tuc-gr.zoom.us/j/82372239714?pwd=bEd4aUMzZ1hlRmZsNjNPcC9WclNoUT09 to attend the lecture "History of extreme European fires 2017-2020: climate change, convective boundary layer dynamics and long-term droughts”  by  Marc Castellnou