Diploma Thesis Defense by Mr. Panagioti Voudouris

Thesis Title: «Microplastics (MPs) in Greek table Salt»

Friday 9 October 2020, at: 11:00, Venue: tuc-gr.zoom.us/j/81191102292


Diploma Thesis Defense by Mr. Panagioti Voudouris


Thesis Title:   «Microplastics (MPs) in Greek table Salt»

Friday 9 October 2020, at: 11:00, Venue: https://tuc-gr.zoom.us/j/81191102292?pwd=dXd2UHcyLzdKL1Q5aHBrUk1tWXhwUT09    

Examination Committee

  • Professor            Professor Nicolas Kalogerakis (advisor)
  • Professor            Alexandros Gotsis
  • Dr.          Evdokia Siranidou



Microplastics are small plastic particles 5mm in size and are considered pollutant and they are divided into primary and secondary, depending on their origin. Microplastics are either manufactured in this size by industry or which result from breaking down larger particles. It is known that microplastic sorb pollutants which can be transferred to humans through the consumption of marine organisms οr by other methods.

The aim of this study is to investigate and quantify microplastics (MP’s) not only in a variety of sea salts but also in rock salts.

We examined 9 table salts in the market and we prepared samples of 3 seas in Crete beaches in order to carry out these measurements. The organic matter removed through the method of digestion and using hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).

Μicroplastics categorized depending on shape, colour and size. Next we have calculated the parameters such as concentration and size of each microplastic we have found in order to classify them in each individual sub-category of size. Then we compared the Greek cooking salts, with those from οther countries, to draw some conclusions about the range of concentration values of Greek cooking salts.

In order to calculate the size of each microplastic based on their characteristics, we used the open source image prosesive program IMAGE-J.

It was demonstrated that the table and rock salts contain high concentration of microplastics. The majority of the size of micropastics in both the table and rock salts

During the experimental process it was found that the cooking salts of the market sea salts or rock salts, contain significant amounts of microplastics. Quantities of microplastics were found in all the salts .Τhe majority of the size of micropastics in both the table and rock salts belonged in the category of 0-199 μm. Also most of the microplastics found in cooking salts belonged to the category of fibers, while to a lesser extent fragments were found.