Master's Thesis Defense by Mr. Athanasios Ieronymakis

"Model analysis, validation and data comparison of two building prototypes using Energy Plus"

MSc Thesis Title: Model analysis, validation and data comparison of two building prototypes using Energy Plus

Thursday 18 October  2018, at:11:00, Venue: Hall Κ2.A3

Examination Committee

  • Associate Professor Dionysia Kolokotsa (advisor)
  • Professor Theocharis Tsoutsos
  • Professor Mihalis Lazaridis


High energy consumption of building sector has stimulated efforts on energy savings at national, international and European level. Due to high solar radiation in southern Europe energy consumption creates needs both in heat and cooling loads.

In legislative level, dominant role at energy reduction and energy savings played Directive 2010/31/EK which set targets for zero energy consumption in building construction while promoting bioclimatic methods with several environmental benefits.

Simulation programs are used yet in building optimization design. For many reasons are not recognized as a useful equipment worldwide and there is a strong perception that building simulations are wasting time and money. Most people believe that simulations also increase the design cost. On the other hand, nowadays, new and more functional tools, like EnergyPlus, Energy Simulation Software give the possibility to optimize energy efficiency in current and future buildings. Considering all the above the Technical University of Crete1 have studied two references buildings located on Foundation for Research and Technology –Hellas  to give us an experience on using this tools better on energy simulation.