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School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering

Now offering two distinct diplomas: Chemical Engineering and Environmental Engineering

Design of Environmental Plants and Environmental Impact Assessment II

Course Information:

Course ID: ENVE 555
Type of course: Required course
Semester: Fall
Credits: 5
ΕCTS: 15
Teaching Hours: Th=2, E=2, L=1

Instructor: Associate Professor P. Gikas (Faculty Member - EnvEng)

Tutorial Exercises: K. Antelli

Textbooks (Eudoxus):

  • Book [18548742]: Σχεδιασμός και οικονομική μελέτη εγκαταστάσεων για μηχανικούς, Peters Max, Timmerhaus Klaus D., West Ronald E. 
  • Book [9722]: Σχεδιασμός χημικών βιομηχανιών, Μαρίνος - Κουρής Δ. Σ.,Μαρούλης Ζ. Β.

Recommended reading:

  • Βαβίζος Γιώργος,Μερτζάνης Αριστείδης, Περιβάλλον, Εκδόσεις Παπασωτηρίου & Σια ΟΕ
  • ΜανωλιάδηςΟδυσσέας, Περιβαλλοντικός σχεδιασμός, Μελέτη και εκτίμηση περιβαλλοντικών επιπτώσεων, Εκδόσεις Στέλλα Παρίκου & Σια ΟΕ
  • Syer R.Qasim, Wastewater treatment plants: Planning, design and operation. Εκδόσεις CRC PRESS
  • P. A. Vesilind, Wastewater treatment plant design: Textbook and workbook set, ΕκδόσειςIWA Publishing
  • Βαγιωνά Δήμητρα, Μελέτες Περιβαλλοντικών Επιπτώσεων, Εκδόσεις ΑΠΘ


  •  Registration not required

Course contents:

Theory and methodology for the design of environmental plants. Methodology for the composition of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies. The students work in teams to accomplish the design study for an environmental plant, based on primary data. The work involves the search/calculation of the design parameters, the design and the cost estimation of the plant, as well as the composition of the relative Environmental Assessment Study. With the completion of the semester, the students have to present orally the outcome of their study.

Assessment and grading method:

  • Project, 50% of the grade
  • Final closed-book written exam, 50% of the grade

Last modification: 11-09-2018